
Our extraordinary connections and expertise in business and politics uniquely position us to provide our clients with seasoned business development, strategic investment, and project management services they require to grow their business.


EGV’s technology clients include firms from the cyber security, health, energy, financial, education, sustainable, transportation and infrastructure, and food/agriculture sectors, among others. As technology drives global innovation and opportunity, facilitating tech firms’ product dissemination and growth is a core competency of EGV.



EGV’s luxury/lifestyle clients hail from the fashion, food, personal wellness, jewelry, cosmetics, home and design, and wine and spirits sectors, among others. As affluent consumers increasingly emphasize quality of life factors, EGV advances its clients’ ability to position themselves alongside and access this demographic.

Foreign Firms

Foreign Firms

EGV provides foreign firms entering the US market with introductions to potential clients, partners, and key multipliers, exclusive investment and expansion opportunities, access to sophisticated networks and vibrant sectoral ecosystems as well as US government affairs strategic support.

American flag

American Enterprise

EGV promotes its US clients to expand within the Northeast US market, providing elite access to corporate and public sector business opportunities, targeted introductions to key interlocutors in critical sectors, brand building infrastructure, and strategic partnership and media support.